Monday, November 26, 2007

Board Agrees to Survey Residents on Pool

In the November 5 board meeting, the board agreed to survey residents on alternate plans for the Kings Forest pool. If you've not been "in the loop" on what the issue is regarding the pool, here's the shorthand version of what's going on:

What this is NOT:
This is not about simply closing the pool.
This is not about making decisions for the residents without their vote.

What this IS:
This is a survey to find out (1)the extent to which residents are using the pool, (2) what options they would consider to reduce costs associated with it.

The Revitalization Committee drafted a survey that it submitted to the board in the October board meeting, and which it revised after the November board meeting.

The board has produced its own version which it intends to distribute with the assessment notice we all receive in December. They are requesting a return date of December 15.

If you want to read more on the debate that has endured for nearly six months now, read Key Access to the Pool